Dans le cadre d'un appel d'offre de l'UE nous recherchons 4 experts qui seront basés à Bruxelles pour 4 ans. Il s'agit de mettre en œuvre la F4 facility. Les candidats intéressés peuvent me contacter avant le 12/07/2019.
The main task of F4 Facility will consist in mobilising a high-level set of expertise to increase analytical capacities in the forest sector with a view to implementing EU obligations and commitments towards forests (or EU cooperation policy in the area of forest).
The F4 will serve as a platform for dialogue and exchange as well as practical cooperation to address the interlinkages between development, poverty reduction, trade, climate change, biodiversity and forest. F4 is based on two mutually reinforcing pillars: on the one hand a platform for policy dialogue and knowledge exchange and on the other hand a source of technical and financial support to implement forest-related programmes.
Based on principles such as: i) avoid fragmentation, ii) be multi-dimensional and iii) highlight and express EU key interest and policies, the F4 Facility will work in close relationship with Unit C2 (environment, natural resources and water) at DG-DEVCO to enhance the overall coherence, coordination and visibility of EU interventions/actions targeting forests.
Specifically, the F4 Facility will constitute a team of experts that will provide technical assistance to the Commission staff (Commission Headquarter in Brussels and EU delegations, as appropriate) and partner countries to improve the quality of forest-relevant programmes or activities at any stage of their cycle (negotiation, programming, identification, formulation, implementation and evaluation). The Facility will be able to address the full spectrum of the forest sector from sustainable forest management and conservation to trade and consumption aspects, by developing sustainable value chain analysis through a holistic approach, looking extensively at economic, social and environmental indications. This analysis will aim at providing information on the inclusiveness and sustainability of forest value chains to foster investments. In this context, particular attention will be given to the role of private sector (smallholder farmers, MSMEs) as a driver of inclusive and sustainable forest sector growth and to enhance civil society ability and capacity to participate in the decision-making and monitoring process. The Facility will also have to be able to assess and develop policies/strategies (reforms, governance, legal framework, institutional strengthening, financing plan, fiscal incentives) within the forest sector as well as sectors that may have an impact on forests, like agriculture, infrastructure, mining.
Key expert 1: Team Leader, overall coordination and quality assurance – Estimated working days: 220 days per year
Qualifications and skills
- University degree in Agronomy Natural Sciences, Economics or equivalent. An MSc degree is required, while a PhD degree is an asset.
- Excellent analysis, synthesis and drafting skills.
- Excellent organisational and coordination skills.
- Fluent writing and speaking English and French. Knowledge of other languages widely used in developing countries is an asset.
- Sound knowledge of the project cycle management. In particular, a good understanding of the European Commission programming and project procedures for development cooperation is an asset.
- Good knowledge of forest-related and development-related international processes, initiatives or commitments, e.g. New-York Declaration on Forest, UNFF, COFO, UNFCCC, ITTO, Agenda 2030, aid effectiveness agenda, EU policies and strategies (e.g. EU FLEGT Action Plan; new EU Consensus on Development, new Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs).
General professional experience
- At least 15 years of professional experience in project management and/or policy dialogue related to development cooperation, in the forest sector or natural resources.
Specific professional experience
- Experience as a team leader for at least 5 years.
- At least 5 years of professional experience in programme management in the area of forest in or for developing countries. Previous professional experience with EU funded projects is an asset.
- At least 5 years of field experience in developing countries.
- Experience in negotiation, participatory and consultative processes, including facilitating workshops, stakeholder consultations, project evaluation and policy reform processes.
- Experience of technical expertise on forest issues, e.g. project reports, consultancy reports, training sessions on the theme, project management, scientific papers.
- Experience in climate-related projects (REDD+ mechanisms, National Determined Contribution, adaptation, zero-deforestation agriculture) is an asset.
- Specific work in sector reform programmes and budget support programmes is an asset.
Key expert 2: Senior Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) expert – Estimated working days: 200 days per year
Qualifications and skills
- University degree in Agronomy Natural Sciences, Economics or equivalent. An MSc degree is required, while a PhD degree is an asset.
- Excellent analysis, synthesis and drafting skills.
- Excellent organisational and coordination skills.
- Fluent writing and speaking English. Knowledge of French and other languages widely used in developing countries is an asset.
- Sound knowledge of the SFM practices.
- Knowledge of forest-related trade regulation, EU policies and strategies (e.g. EU FLEGT Action Plan; new EU Consensus on Development, new Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs).
General professional experience
- At least 12 years of professional experience in analysing, reviewing and developing SFM strategies and programmes.
Specific professional experience
- At least 7 years of professional experience in programme management and/or policy design in the area of forest in or for developing countries. Previous professional experience with EU funded projects is an asset.
- At least 5 years of field experience in developing countries.
- Experience of technical expertise on forest issues, e.g. project reports, consultancy reports, training sessions on the theme, project management, scientific papers.
- Experience in establishing and managing participatory and consultative processes, project evaluation and regulatory reform processes is an asset.
Key expert 3: Value chains expert – Estimated working days: 200 days per year
Qualifications and skills
- University degree in Agronomy Natural Sciences, Economics or equivalent. An MSc degree is required, while a PhD degree is an asset.
- Excellent analysis, synthesis and drafting skills.
- Fluent writing and speaking English. Knowledge of French and other languages widely used in developing countries is an asset.
General professional experience
- At least 12 years of professional experience in the forest and/or agriculture sectors, of which at least 5 in developing countries.
Specific professional experience
- At least 4 years of professional experience in analysis, developing and implementing sustainable forest-related and/or deforestation-free agriculture value chains.
- Experience in traceability, certification systems and forest monitoring.
- Good knowledge of private sector interventions in free-deforestation commodities supply chain.
- Good knowledge of wood products manufacturing and trade
- Experience in participatory and consultative processes, including facilitating workshops, stakeholder consultations, project evaluation and policy reform processes.
Key expert 4: Private sector and investments expert – Estimated working days: 200 days per year
Qualifications and skills
- University degree in Economics, Business or equivalent. An MSc degree is required, while a PhD degree is an asset.
- Excellent analysis, synthesis and drafting skills.
- Excellent organisational and coordination skills.
- Fluent writing and speaking English. Knowledge of French and other languages widely used in developing countries is an asset.
- Sound knowledge of the business climate and private sector related to forest.
- Good knowledge of forest-related investment and commercial activities and of financial mechanisms (blending, guarantee funds, credit funds, trust funds,…).
General professional experience
- At least 10 years of professional experience in analysing, reviewing and developing investment projects, of which at least 5 years for investments in developing countries.
Specific professional experience
- At least 3 years of professional experience in investment programme management in the area of forest or natural resources in or for developing countries. Previous professional experience with EU blending mechanisms is an asset.
- Experience in negotiation, pre-feasibility study/evaluation and stakeholder consultations.
- Knowledge of the forest-related value chains and/or wood industry is an asset.
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