Conférence Ingénieurs sans frontières
Engineers Without Borders wants to become the bridge between know-how and the social world. This time, we are thrilled to present a free event made to inspire you. We couldn't be happier of introducing to you those inspiring speakers. They are real "doers" that have changed the society we live in.
David Oren
- co-founder @Solarly
- Solarly is a start-up that has the vision of facilitating the development of rural areas by using solar energy.
Sinouhe Monteiro
- co-founder @Ewala
- Ewala is a start-up allowing online payments via SMS, featured by Forbes Africa as one of the most promising Start-Ups of the moment.
Matteo della Volta
- exboard @Alliance for Rural Electrification and business development responsible in Africa @Siemens.
- The ARE is an international organism that gathers the main actos of the energy setor with the vision of electrifying rural areas thanks to the know-how of its members.
Shamma Raghib
- FinTech & Data SaaS Tech expert working currently @Collibra.
- She is probably one of the most inspiring young tech speakers.
- She is also the founder of Data Pioneers and is a strong advocate for woman in tech.
En pratique
- 21 september, 7pm
- Salle GC Elzenhof (Avenue de la couronne 12-14-16, 1050 Bruxelles)
- Plus d'infos et réservation
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